Children Underground" is a 2001 film directed by Edet Belzberg, a documentary filmmaker. This movie follows the story of street children from Romania, especially focused on Cristina, the leader of a group of unwanted children that were living in a subway tunnel in Bucharest, Mihai, a 9 years old boy that ran away from home because of his alcoholic father, Ana and his brother and Macarena, a 14 years old girl that can not stop using aurolac. In the end of the film, she is interviewed after 12 years from the documentary was realised, and she looked brain damaged, she said that her parents are waiting for her in another country and she can t go visit them because she hasn't a passport. That was the most dramatic scene in this film.
In the beggining, Cristina, the leader, is filmed walking on a bridge, smoking and talking about how was her life in orphanages. she has no hair, she looks like a boy because girls were always raped by older boys in the street.
after that, this film show us the "house" of this children, a subway tunnel. children under ten years old smoking, using aurolac and fighting for food were all over the place.
a notable scene is when Macarena, influenced by aurolac, is crying on the tunnel, screaming for something to eat, and an owner of a fast-food has sevearly beaten her, punching her with his feet and grabbing her by a wall.
also, Ionut, when Ana refuses to swim with him, he started cutting himself with a little knife, and no one could stop him.
in the final of the movie, it's presented the evolution of the characters in twelve years, most of them being also in the street.
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